Originally Posted by Barone1551
Ok while Im not necessarily defending the people who went after her family, I will say she did kind of put her family out to the wolves. She used her family as a political tool, more so than any recent candidate. She would always dwell on the fact she was such a great person becuase she was just your everyday women with children, and a sixteen year old daughter with a child. Now while all this isn't grounds for people to attack her CHILDREN, she did put them in the spot light a lot and gave people the opportunity to attack them. When you start using your family as bargaining and political tools, you cant get mad when someone else says something about them, even if its negative.
And I want to address something else you said. You said "NO ONE deserves to be made fun of". (correct me if im wrong im not trying to put words in your mouth). But I don't think that statement should be true ever. We don't live Smurf village where everyone gets along and there are no problems. Yes sometimes people go to far in criticizing people but that's a part of free speech. People need to be made fun of. People need to be called out for their mistakes. If everyone just sat idly by and went along with everything everyone said, we would be in a whole mess of problems.
CHILDREN ARE OFF LIMITS. Nothing justifies going after them.
When did it become wrong to say your an great dad/mom? Give evidence that she took the situation with her daughter and profited off of. Your justifying them going after her children. She didn't use her family as you want to put it. Even then saying one cannot go after someone who sexualfies (not an word but you should get the meaning) her children is wrong.
I don't remember making an comment like that, and took the liberty to go back and look though my comments and I don't come across such an comment. Here's the point criticize someone on the issue, debate the issue, comment on the issue; but do NOT attack the person to which has happen to Sarah. Hence why I'm posting here. One could try to strive to live together in peace, but don't deny the point of the current situation. I agree with the last part.
Originally Posted by QueenNanami
solemnclockwork, You have this weird way of wording and this even weirder way of shoving words into my mouth.
Really? But you were able to answer so many other things and attack me. I could also say your post is full of venom and refuse to answer it. Why is it foolish to freely express the way i feel?
Quote where I attacked you. I really, doubt you could say the same for my posts. Well you did express your feelings did you not? Now the question begs to be asked, should those feelings to which have been posted on an public page be free of criticism?
Originally Posted by QueenNanami
I dont watch David Letterman. To put it more clearly, Celebrities put them selves out there willingly. Dont you remember when they made fun of the Bush twins on Jay Leno? No one seemed to really get all mad at that. When you become at that level of Celebrity that is what you risk. You can say that Lindsay Lohan doenst deserve all the mean harmful jokes about her.
Dont get me wrong i dont Like Lindsay Lohan either.
Celeb states does not make an excuse for ANYTHING. Actaully no I don't seeing how I wasn't as big as I'm now in politics. Even then the statement remains true for them.
Lindsay did not deserve that either.
Originally Posted by QueenNanami
Come on... You think that just because me and her are female we should stand together as one? Then i believe you should stand together with Obama as one too. The day you say "OBAMA IS DOING A GREAT JOB! HE'S SUCH A GOOD PRESIDENT!!" Will be the day i say "SARAH PALIN IS THE SMARTEST PERSON I KNOW AND SHE'S SO GREAT! IM SO HAPPY SHE'S FEMALE!!" (without lying, you have to really mean it) Just because we are the same gender doesn't make me ignore my beliefs. Just as you wouldn't do for Obama. The way you talk about him you can tell you dislike him. Im not going to call you out on it and tell you something that isnt true. Im not going to shove words in your mouth.
So you wouldn't stand up for her if someone attacked her because shes female? Obama my president that I stand behind. Now I disagree over his policies, to which way I wouldn't say he's an "good president"; that's to be expected though I wouldn't expect someone to say Bush when they disagree with his policies was an good president.
Really? Most if not all the talk I've done about Obama on this thread is contrast to what has happen to Palin, so please quote me. (Oh also qoute me when I was "saying untrue things")
Originally Posted by QueenNanami
... You shove words in my mouth. I never said any of that and i KNOW i never said anything about abortion. You know what happens when you assume right? Pfft, I like her image. A woman who can handle herself. I think it's awesome how she goes hunting and shows she's not a dainty delicate girl. So you are assuming things. You assume i dont like her because she's not a barbie doll in a suit. What's your deal?
Well, I did let on in the first place it was an assumption! So know you say she is an woman who can handle herself, when in the first place you said she was an joke of an women. There's an conflict between those two.
Isn't the view of an woman who can handle herself an good model? If so then why did you say she was an joke of an woman?
Originally Posted by QueenNanami
You got me! I believe in a woman's right to choose! Im not fully against abortion. I myself could never kill a child. When a egg is fertilized it's a baby and you would be killing a human if you aborted it. I guess you could say "murdering" a baby. With all that said i still believe it's up to the mother of the child what to do with her body. If she doesn't want a child or doesn't have the proper home or life style to bring one up. You shouldn't force her to.
Not to mention the over population of the world...
So the child must die to keep the mothers life style? Saying abortion is alright because the world is "over populated" is not acceptable. I'll tell way.
Headline the entire world population would fit into Texas.
Is the World Over Populated? Lets do the math... The World Can Fit In Texas - alt.conspiracy | Google Groups
Originally Posted by QueenNanami
Yeah and he also took more vacations then any other President in office. You name one and I'll name one. You bring up something so great he did and I'll bring up something so bad he did. It'll be like a game, it'll be fun.
My point is proven.
Originally Posted by QueenNanami
Did i ever say that He was the worst president we ever had? Hold for a sec i'm going to check...
Nope, I said he made us look like a joke. 
Semantics. Implying that he made us look like an joke means that he was the worst or very close worst president. If I where to say an baseball player was an joke would I be saying he wasn't worthy of being an baseball player? Yes I would.
[quote=QueenNanami;742178]Are you sore because a lot of people supported Obama and never really gave McCain a chance? Now tell me, what so bad about Obama. Tell me what you dislike most about him.
Newscaster should not being showing bias when they report, plain and simple. Journalists are also in that category. This is my beef. Policies, which I have said I completely disagree with.
Originally Posted by QueenNanami
You gotta be a little more clear with this one sweetie. Do you mean Tell me about the people who agree with me? Or do you want to really know about my rl friends?
"I'm not the only one who thinks that she makes us woman look like a joke you know"
You made this comment, hence the way I responded.
Originally Posted by QueenNanami
Yeah everyone has their days right? why is it that Sarah has more off days then most? That wasnt one interview, that was clips from more then one interview. I wonder if they have more.
I know I looked at the youtube page, hence the reason why I responded the way I did.
Originally Posted by QueenNanami
It's funny. You dont even know me. I never said you had to think "our way" or you had to agree with me. Im just saying you should be open to what we have to say instead of slamming a door in our face and fighting us with your every last breath. I dont like Sarah Palin, and I shoudlnt be forced to. I dont force you to love Obama.
why do I need to know you, to respond to your comments? No you didn't but saying along the lines of "open-your mind", "open-your eyes" means I want you to think my way. If I was slamming the door in your face would I go and look at what your saying, trading threw sites I don't like? I don't "force" you to like anybody I'm criticizing you on attacking Sarah point to make the difference.