07-07-2009, 01:21 PM
Well, *I'll* say it, if we're being no-holds-barred:
George W. Bush was the worst president we have ever had.
There were presidents who did less. There were presidents who were outright incompetent. There were even presidents, such as Jimmy Carter, who were so gosh darn nice, they got steamrolled and couldn't push through anything resembling an agenda. In the long run, even Bush 41 didn't really accomplish anything.
The difference? Accomplishing NOTHING is much different than accomplishing a whole lot of negative. Bush 43 did a lot, an awful lot, and did it in a very disturbing direction. That's why he is the worst president we have ever had. Give me a deadlocked congress and an incompetent, ineffectual president over a majority congress of the same party as an incompetent, yet disturbingly effectual (in the wrong direction!) president.
What worries me so about Palin is the fact she seems to be able to court the same individuals who got Bush into office. Twice. And those people can turn her from an incompetent do-nothing, to an incompetent do-too-much. And that is very, very scary.