Originally Posted by solemnclockwork
But, Did I NOT say he was the first President to spend and prevent AIDS (as much) in Africa?
You did. And you know what? I acknowledge it. It's one of the few things I agreed with him on. It's also not the only thing I agreed with him on. However, if you add one while taking away two, you still end up with a net loss of one. The vast majority of things W did were negative, and severely outweigh his good actions.
WHAT about protecting our country during an terrible time?
I won't go where you're trying to push me.
I served under President Bush. When he was my commander-in-chief, I gave him the loyalty due my president. If he had asked me to go to Iraq, I would have. If he had asked me to go to Afghanistan, I would have.
This has absolutely nothing to do with how I think he handled national security issues: which is badly. Very, very badly. I keep my loyalty to my service, my president, and my country separate from my political views on all of the above.
So do not insinuate that I have to agree that he made America safer or else I have no knowledge of national defense.
Give me an break over your bias, seriously gonna keep making statements like this your going to kill your credibility.
I admitted my bias upfront. I am a proud Democrat. I worked for the DNC for two years in Atlanta. I raised $10,000 on foot, door to door for the upcoming congressional elections. In 2006 I was the youngest delegate to the national, mid-term convention. With that information you could probably even figure out some of my personal information if you dug deep enough.
My credibility, as confined in with the above disclosures, is nothing if not enhanced by my personal involvement in the political process.
Jimmy carter had an %34 approval rating when he left office.
Who is one of my personal heros because of his personal integrity. He was also, as I said, such a nice guy, that he couldn't say no. He couldn't put some butts to the fire. He couldn't fight back. So he accomplished nothing, especially in a time of economic and international crises. Was he a good president? Sadly, no. I love the man, and had the wonderful opportunity to spend time with his family. I was always welcome at Amy's house. Politically? His presidency was a failure. I said that.
Now who is showing bias?
You can say arguably we are heading in the wrong direction now with Both the current President, and congress. Makes saying the same thing with Bush and MUTE point.
Proverbial you, maybe.
I would generally say that the negative, and there is some, is outweighed by the positive.
Note to also you CANNOT call him the worst President as that spot(s) are reserved for those who WHERE impeached, and bush was not.
Most of the impeachments in American history were political grandstanding. Nixon probably deserved it, but he resigned. Clinton is about as deserving as half the politicians in America, on both sides of the aisle. Take a look at Governor Sanford. Or Eliot Spitzer. Party/Ideology doesn't matter here. It's all so much fluff. And impeachment is simply a fancy word for indictment anyhow. You have to be convicted for it to matter.
That said don't derail this thread. No talk was needed on the former President as this is ABOUT Sarah not Bush.
I wasn't derailing it. It is my belief that Palin attracts the same sort of folks as Bush did. As such, the examples set forth in his administration are definitely relevant as we consider the possible consequences of a Palin administration. If she is elected by the same people, she will be beholden to the same people, and therefore will probably follow the same policies.