A special thanks to: Everyone! ("What do you mean everyone?"
"EEEVERYYOOONE!" sorry. Movie reference.) who has taken time out of your busy schedule to help me with this arguably trivial personal problem!
So far I'm liking all the suggestions, but I still haven't heard one that makes me jump out of my chair and go: "THAT'S IT!".
It is probably unrealistic of me to hope for this reaction, (so feel free to smack me if you need to) but I think I would be remiss not to continue looking at a few more names, just in case.
"Yukiko" is going on my list of considerations, as well as "Chiaki" and possibly a variant of the name "Aya" which I have often thought about but never put on 'The List' in an official capacity.
If anyone can think of a variant on the name "Ryoko" (or something similar to it, phonetically speaking) that has a meaning that fits my requirements, I'll be your best friend forever. (Unless You'd prefer I WASN'T your best friend... in which case I won't be. Wait...

There's some little other thing that's bugging me... but I can't put my finger on it...
So I shall go away and come back later with something hopefully helpful. Till then!