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QueenNanami (Offline)
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07-08-2009, 05:53 AM

Originally Posted by solemnclockwork View Post
Quote where I attacked you. I really, doubt you could say the same for my posts. Well you did express your feelings did you not? Now the question begs to be asked, should those feelings to which have been posted on an public page be free of criticism?
No, you have a right to Criticize what you want but that doesn't mean i cant stand up for myself. You treat what I have said like it was blaspheme.

Celeb states does not make an excuse for ANYTHING. Actaully no I don't seeing how I wasn't as big as I'm now in politics. Even then the statement remains true for them.

Lindsay did not deserve that either.
I'm not making an excuse. It's what you risk. It's the REAL WORLD! In Real life people say mean things and make up stuff to make life more interesting or to sell something. That's life, there is always going to be something like that. I don't really care because in my life, i don't have the time to sit around fighting battles for other people. I don't care what anyone says unless it's directed at me personally, my family, or my close friends. So you can ask me all you want if i have any sympathy for her and I would always answer no. What she does in her personal life will never affect me. If she ran for president maybe then i will care and look into things but for now I really don't give what people say about her or her family.

So you wouldn't stand up for her if someone attacked her because shes female? Obama my president that I stand behind. Now I disagree over his policies, to which way I wouldn't say he's an "good president"; that's to be expected though I wouldn't expect someone to say Bush when they disagree with his policies was an good president.
I would stand up for all woman if someone said "Woman can not run the White House." Or "Woman have tiny brains." I would stand up for all woman on something like that, but just because me and Palin are female and someone is saying mean things, no I wouldnt stand up for her. That may sound mean, it may sound cold hearted, but it's the truth and Iam cold hearted.

Really? Most if not all the talk I've done about Obama on this thread is contrast to what has happen to Palin, so please quote me. (Oh also qoute me when I was "saying untrue things")
I didn't say you said untrue things, I said i wasn't going to tell you things that weren't true. i can see where you may have mistook that for me saying you were saying untrue things and i apologize for that. As for the other part, I know you can say what ever you want but Im to lazy after work to go back and read all your posts. Hey Im just being honest, I feel lazy. I'll find them for you later and we can chat it up.

Well, I did let on in the first place it was an assumption! So know you say she is an woman who can handle herself, when in the first place you said she was an joke of an women. There's an conflict between those two.
Contradiction is the word your looking for not conflict, and it doesnt matter because you wrong. I said she made woman look like a joke. Plus you have what Iam saying backwards. Her image and whats in her brain are different things. On the outside her image gives off this independent look. Like she can handle herself. Then when she opens her mouth all that comes out is a "Uhhhhhh" that where she makes us look like a joke! she makes woman look like a joke by not properly answering questions and contradicting herself all the time. Have you ever taken a class on how to properly give a speech? If you have to stop and go "Um" or "Uh" your doing it wrong. "Uh" seems to be Sarah Palin's catchphrase.

Isn't the view of an woman who can handle herself an good model? If so then why did you say she was an joke of an woman?
Maybe on Children it's a good image. Joke of a woman? I didnt say she was a joke of a woman, i said she made all woman look like a joke. She can handle herself when it comes to shooting animals from helicopters but can she handle herself when she's thrown from that helicopter into the media and the public and given a microphone and all that comes out is "Um uh". I can handle myself when it comes to some things and other things i cant handle. She doent have very good public speaking skills and she doesnt know what she's talking about half the time. On the outside, on the inside. Those are the differences.

Not to mention the over population of the world...

So the child must die to keep the mothers life style? Saying abortion is alright because the world is "over populated" is not acceptable. I'll tell way.

Headline the entire world population would fit into Texas.

Is the World Over Populated? Lets do the math... The World Can Fit In Texas - alt.conspiracy | Google Groups
Life Style as in if she was a heavy drug addict. People who are addicted to Drugs shouldnt have children. Most drug addicts would sell there babies diaper money just for a hit of something. Most kids born to drug addicted homes die within the first few months of life.

It's a woman's right to have a choice. If she doesnt want a baby, no one should force her to. If i were raped and then found myself pregnant, would you force me to give birth to the child?

My point is proven.
You really proved nothing.

Semantics. Implying that he made us look like an joke means that he was the worst or very close worst president. If I where to say an baseball player was an joke would I be saying he wasn't worthy of being an baseball player? Yes I would.
Are you trying to get me to admit to something? Not necessarily if you said he was a joke, it doesnt mean he was the worst player there ever was. It does mean he was a bad one tho.

Newscaster should not being showing bias when they report, plain and simple. Journalists are also in that category. This is my beef. Policies, which I have said I completely disagree with.
This is actually something i agree with.

"I'm not the only one who thinks that she makes us woman look like a joke you know"

You made this comment, hence the way I responded.
Yeah but you confused me.

"Tell us your friends that agree with you."

It's the way it's worded. It's alittle confusing to me. Did you want me to tell you about my real life friends or about people who agree?

I know I looked at the youtube page, hence the reason why I responded the way I did.
So everyday is a off day for Palin?

"The ignorant are mere stepping stones on the path to enlightenment."

"People can always have a judgment about anything you do. So it doesn't bother me. Everything can be strange to someone." - Michael Jackson
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