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Nagoyankee (Offline)
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07-08-2009, 07:29 AM

Originally Posted by Zagato289 View Post
I have a friend that is majoring in Nursing and maybe thinking of working in Japan with a working visa. He is studying Japanese too. Can foreigners work in that field in Japan?
Of course, they can. Nursing is one area, together with care for the elderly, that needs to be filled by non-Japanese. The following are the conditions.

1. Your friend will need to pass the Japanese nursing exams (in Japanese).
2. He must be able to communicate freely with other nurses, patients and dotors. (Both in writing and orally.)
3. He must be willing to work under the same conditions with any other nurses.

In other words, one could become an English teacher with considerably less efforts (in many cases, no efforts at all) and make considerably more money than a nurse. A sad situation....
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