Originally Posted by mercedesjin
I don't see the quirky little details as something that makes one movie stand out from another. Quriky little details are something found in all films. UP had wonderful details of what a dog acts like. Finding Nemo had SO much research on sea life, and got many details on how different groups of sea life behave. The Incredibles had details on what the 1950s were like in a communist era. I think these details give much more definition than how a girl puts on her shoes - which is, by the way, something that everyone appreciates so much because Spirited Away had that little documentary at the end about it. In my opinion, that documentary glorified those small details - details that are found in many films and TV shows. Don't get me wrong - I LOVE Spirited Away.
I think American films will say who the bad guy is, but that they also give understanding and humanity to that character, making it - in my opinion - more entertaining.
I've actually never seen the documentary; I had no idea it existed until you mentioned it. Have to look it up, but no, what made the quirks stand out is that you watch it and think "hey, wow, that's not just a generalized motion- that's really human." An affect that for a 2D hand-drawn animation is real talent and shows real care and attention. Anyone can do research but it takes something more to deliver a 'real' moment in a cartoon fantasy. That's why I think the quirks in asian cinema are a real boon.
I kind of disagree with your view of American film villains- I don't think they ARE humanized. Someone mentioned the villain in The Incredibles. His motive... was banal. "I'm not famous, boo hoo, I'm going to blame you and take a petty revenge", that's not an understanding or humanized that's a cookie-cutter villain who is bad for what boils down to no reason at all. It's "And I would have gotten away with it too...bah!". You're not supposed to really root for them, asides maybe to think them pitiful.
Compare that with Blue Sub 6 in which it starts off with everyone saying the 'villain' is evil, and they are the force of good, but the 'villain''s motive isn't explained at that point and it evolves over the course of the film into a very grey moral area. He wipes out half the human race but only in order to save humanity as a whole, and there you can really see both sides of the equation and your loyalty can go either way. Even the protagonist doesn't want to see him dead. He's twisted, but underneath the twisted-ness is a person who generally wants to do good, for both parties, and moreover is willing to take the punishment it warrants without complaint. "Kill me", he says sincerely, "If it will make you feel better". That is not your usual villain. Princess Monoke is another good example. The leader of Iron Town is foul to the forest spirits, but is simultaneously a philanthropist, adopting ex-prostitutes and lepers no one else would look after with open arms.