Thread: Help Free Eric!
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mercedesjin (Offline)
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07-09-2009, 03:17 AM

Originally Posted by bELyVIS View Post
I didn't say you were arguing. But many whites, hispanics, asians, etc. have all been found guilty by juries of all races. It's just this guys tough luck. If he is truly innocent, an appeal will show this. I once was on a jury(different races) that convicted a white guy and a black guy for armed robbery. No one mentioned color and I just listened to the evidence and we found them guilty. They got 10 years no parole. Later we found out that they just got paroled for the same crime. We made the right decision.
If this guy is innocent, I'm sure he'll get out.
I agree. It's possible for anyone of any race to be convicted of a crime by a jury of all races. It's happened. I also believe you when you say that no one brought up race from your own experience. However, historically, this certainly wasn't the case - and today, there are still cases that reflect the clear injustice shown towards black people, latino/a people, asian people, etc. Jena 6, anyone?

I feel like we're moving in the right direction - where soon, no one will have to mention race - and racist convictions won't exist. However, until then, they do still exist unfortunately.

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