Originally Posted by Spyder93090
Hmm, judging from your Japanese level, stick to kanji you already know and practice on sticking words together. You can't just cram them together like you do in English. Some of those are pretty complex for you. And some of it is actually (totally) wrong. The first kanji that IME gives you isn't always right, and I guess that's what you relied on. Stick some spaces in there so you won't get confused and you can easily read and understand it next time for you and the readers.
Here it is in �Japanese Japanese�, I'll avoid using slang or complex sentence patterns for less confusion.
最近、私 は 日本語 を 勉強して 見ます。
Lately, I've been trying to learn Japanese.
沢山人 は ここ に 来ても いいで 皆さん も 習います。
Alot of people can come here so that everybody will learn also.
練習 で この スレッド に 皆さん は 日本語 で 書かなければ なりません と 思います。
For practice, I think everyone should write in Japanese in this thread.
漢字 と 仮名 で 書いて 見ましょう!ロマ字 駄目。
Let's try to write in Kana and Kanji. Not in Romaji.
Man... I need a Japanese teacher like you... but I don't... We only have Spanish in school... and where I live, the nearest mall is 72 miles away so... yeah...