07-09-2009, 07:56 AM
Wow, tons of replies.
@sarasi- So that's where the whole 28 degree thing originates from in Japan. I was really curious because 28 seems like an odd number to stick your AC. Plus it doesn't seem like at least for me, very comfortable, but it's a different culture and attitude. I'm suprised because I guess I couldn't imagine anyone like telling people to not use their AC and people actually doing it. I don't think people would cooperate too much in the US for something like this.
I will definitely respect her wishes with the AC. I do understand that electricity is expensive and considering the fact that she's hosting me which already costs money, I don't think it would be kind of me to drive up her utility costs any more that I have too. I will grin and bear it. And start sleeping with the fan on and no blankets.
@Tenchu- The lowest I ever set it at was 23 which was comfortable for sleeping. If I used it during the day it was at either 24-25.
I've never heard of fan death. If anything I'm slightly worried about the cord overheating and causing a fire since the house and the fan are a but old. And I know there are no smoke alarms in the house. I'm from Seattle where people freak out if it hits 85 degrees Fahrenheit. I've never lived in a such a humid or hot climate before.
@Nyororin- I think it's really funny that you mentioned Hawaii cause my host mom took a one week trip to Hawaii in April and she's going to Switzerland in August. She travels a lot. She is older and does reuse plastic wrap. lol.