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SSJup81 (Offline)
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07-09-2009, 09:53 AM

Tenchu, that's like telling someone who grew up in Florida, who had to move to...Washington DC, for example, and the temp is at like 50 degrees Fahrenheit to "toughen up", as the 50 to that person would be considered "cold". It probably takes a while to adjust to, especially if one isn't used to it.

The same can be said about those who grew up in cooler climates (like the OP being from Seattle) and then thrown into a place where it's hot and humid during the summer. I'm sure the OP will adjust sooner or later.

For where I am, it usually gets up to the 90s in the summer, although, so far, we haven't had many high temperatures for this year. I'm not fond of heat, and I use a fan at night all the time to help me sleep, as I sleep way better when in a cool/cold atmosphere (the air conditioner usually doesn't come on at night; it's set to come on once the temp in the house gets to 75 degrees Fahrenheit [That's about 24 degrees Celsius I think]). Anywho, we get the heat usually, but not the humidity as much, so for me, if moving to Japan, I'd have to "adjust" to the humidity.
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