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(#23 (permalink))
Nikroesis (Offline)
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07-09-2009, 10:32 AM

I wanted to put in my two cents for Rosetta Stone.

I've been attempting to learn languages for the past 6 years and have gone through German, French, Spanish, American Sign Language, and now Japanese. I find it extremely difficult for me to learn anything about any language despite my love of them. My inability to retain the information seems to have no bearing on whether or not I am taking college classes, self taught, or using a program/web page.

I found Rosetta Stone perfect for me BECAUSE it treats you like a child. I learn better visually so the program works perfect for me. I also tend to learn best when things are really dumbed down.

So in short I guess im saying that i think everyone learns differntly and the best way to find out if something works for you is to just try it out.

I agree with what most people said above though. If you have something that already works for you, stick with it.

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