Originally Posted by mercedesjin
(Sorry, somehow I didn't see this.) Like I said before, these quirks are found in movies such as Spirited Away - but it's not only found in Japanese films, so I'm not sure if it can be said that this is something that really makes Japanese movies special.
No, of course it's not limited, but I can't say personally it's ever really struck me as much in american animation as it has in Japanese animation. There's also more of this thing in Japanese animation where they break between action. Just... an overview shot or something. the flight into the city in Metropolis, for example. Not the best example, but on the other hand I can't think of an equivalent in say, a Pixar film. Bambi kind of had it, but then that was also supposed to put across the beauty of America's forests for preservation purposes. That's what skews me towards the Japanese feature-length animation anyway. Maybe a whole childhood of Disney and Pixar just got boring in the end, and the asian stuff just seems that much fresher.
In terms of pure animation though, bigger budgets in the US definitely seem to turn out cleaner stuff. Disney films lately are pretty slick looking, but on the other hand, I do really like the look of the old hand-painted cells. Howl's seemed to be a good compromise between the two; good CG, a polished finish but still some good hand-work.