Originally Posted by valerybriz
I Havent found a non-japanese who likes me since i had a japanese boyfriend.. but,... everybody its ok...
and... about the other cuestion>>> yeah.. the culture its very important becouse a person who has born in USA, used to think like USA peopple... but it depends....<<every person its unic>>
Firs of all, im a guy.
I do think that culture can be important sometimes and it can get on the way of a relationship,but not all the time. you said that a japanese man like you before, and that not anyother man hasnt. that doesnt mean that japanese man r the only good ones. you were just lucky to find a BF, and he was japanese. i bet that if he wasnt japanese and he was some other race, you would have been saying the same thing about that race. I dont think it was his culture u felt in love, it was just his personality. I have a Japanese friend( a female one) who told me that she didnt like japanese man alot. I ask her why, and she said, " Japanese man dont really like getting married. They think its a waist of time." I dont know if thats part of their culture or it can be the same type of situation like you, but the other way around.