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honoraryjapanesegirl (Offline)
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07-09-2009, 08:19 PM

Hmm...good one, I don't follow Death Note much (I stopped reading when L died...T.T) Lol, but I don't think I have a side. Light and L both have major wits, and they both are very skilled, and quick witted in what they do. Light would have to be extremely sneaky and cunning, as well as a heck of a liar (which he was...true plot genius there.) But L had to counter, being very truthful, but also very bright, and aware of his surroundings. (Unfortunately, he realize a little too late...T.T) But yeah, all that to say, if I had to choose, it would have to L's side for the better of the Earth, and Light's side for the written genius of the authors...
~HonoraryJapaneseGirl~ ^.))

~...Why must the different be cast away, be cast into a deep, dark pit of loneliness, being mocked and scorned as the the enemy...and eventually...become it...?~
~.::{Akatsuki Clan Member--Leader of California}::.~
~.::{Michiko Manami}::.~

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