07-09-2009, 11:49 PM
-Naruto and Sasuke's battle at the Valley of the End
-Dragon Ball Z, Vegeta against Perfect Cell, when he unleashed Final Flash and blew off half Cell's body amongst Krillian and Trunks.
-Samurai X: Betrayal, Kenshin's battles in the snow.
-Tohkia Mai's and Minagi Mikoto's final battle in Mai Hime.
-Light's last struggle in Death Note could be considered a battle of the minds.
-Kaneda and Tetsuo's faceoff at the Olympic Stadium at the end of Akira.
-Ichigo against Byakuya. When Ichigo ascended Bankai.
I believe that is all. It felt unfair to list just one, but Naruto and Sasuke was the best fight I've ever seen.