07-10-2009, 06:40 AM
@ Tenchu- I can cheerfully say that I'm super pussy when it comes to heat. I can handle cold. Cold doesn't bother too much. I would much rather be freezing than over heating.
I've been thinking about freezing a bottle of water and wrapping it. I know that my host mom does that on occasion. But I will see what happens. I leave in August so I might not need to.
For me the reality is that I can handle heat well. I traveled to Bangkok this Feburary and due to the heat spend most of the time in the hotel. When I was outside I was miserable so I missed a lot of Bangkok.
As for my body acclimating, I'm not sure how long that takes of if it will ever happen but for now, using the fan is good plus opening the window. My host mother did mention something about mold and mildew but I don't think it had anything to do with having my window open.