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Jnekolove19 (Offline)
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07-10-2009, 03:03 PM

Originally Posted by Chile View Post
Jneko, I was very interested to read about Temple university. Someone from another thread referred me to it also. Once you have arrived at your destination, I hope you will post some of your experiences!

Would you mind sharing some advice about the paperwork? I am also preparing to start school in Japan. I'm in the earliest stages, but I always seem to miss little details when it comes to the bureaucracy of these types of endeavors. Getting into an American college was tough enough for me. xD
Are there any tips that you might have?
Hey, yeah I do plan to post while in Japan Are you headed for Temple? The main thing I've learned in this wild experience is to read and re-read everything. You can't read it enough I feel, I've read documents once and missed things and then found them once I re-read the document. A lot of the paperwork I've had to fill out is government stuff so it's important to have it right, I found out if there is anything you are unsure of you can normally find the answer either on the internet or from a counselor, if you don't know for sure don't put it down. Well if there is anything else you want to know just let me know. :-)
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