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(#64 (permalink))
OzukakiBurasuki (Offline)
JF Regular
Posts: 66
Join Date: Jun 2009
07-10-2009, 07:50 PM

I do have to agree with Naruto though, sadly. I loved the anime and manga, and I still do. I'm just severely pissed with it's popularity. That's why, instead of Naruto, I'm way more into Fate. (Fate/Stay Night, Fate/Hollow Ataraxia, Fate/Zero)

I went to a Con and saw ONE Fate cosplay. It was a Saber cosplayer. Guess how many Akatsuki cosplay I saw that day? At least 5 with every second. It gets to a point that the people who have been with Naruto forever are avoiding it because of this popularity. I don't know how many of my friends won't watch it anymore.

It has gone past DBZ in popularlity to a point that it is too damn annoying for me.
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