Great, just my luck.
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Location: London
07-11-2009, 01:19 AM
Originally Posted by TakashimaTsukasaToshimasa
A. Yes, I'm a fangirl .. I love their music and all cuz' they are great musicians.
You're a fangirl because you find them attractive. If they were ugly, you wouldn't like them as much. Simple fact. How else do you think the music industry makes its money? It's your horny urges which fill their managers pockets with money.
B. You are a boy and I guess you aren't gay so .. you don't get it.
C. I don't want to give them blow jobs, but maybe you want and you are just jelous.
Ah, what a typically failure of a response. So, I'm not gay, but I want to give them blow jobs. Yeh, nice going kid, made real sense there.
And just to clarify, I'm fine with my great looks thanks, I don't have to need to feel jealous of men who wear make up in order to look good 
- “I've been lucky. I'll be lucky again.” -