Originally Posted by Salvanas
You're a fangirl because you find them attractive. If they were ugly, you wouldn't like them as much. Simple fact. How else do you think the music industry makes its money? It's your horny urges which fill their managers pockets with money.
Ah, what a typically failure of a response. So, I'm not gay, but I want to give them blow jobs. Yeh, nice going kid, made real sense there.
And just to clarify, I'm fine with my great looks thanks, I don't have to need to feel jealous of men who wear make up in order to look good 
1.Ok ... -.-' Are you really that stupid? .. Even if they were ugly they would still be great, cool, nice, charming and all ...
It's music that matters not the look!!!!!!!!
2. ... Give them as many blow jobs as you want .. I don't care.
Do you like them only cuz' you wanna give them blow jobs or what? <_<"
3. It's their problem if they like to wear make-up and not yours. And like I said .. for me they look good with and without make-up.