Originally Posted by TakashimaTsukasaToshimasa
Yeah ... Usually girls like them cuz they are sexy or something and not cuz of their music. I don't like girls like that, they are nothing but stupid to me. And I like bands cuz of their music and not cuz of their look.
So try to understand his male view on Gazette. It can be similar like we see this {word removed}-music-groups

You can´t tell that Uruha sometimes isn´t doing too.. sexy.. he irritates. For us it can be just (perfect! XD) adjacent thing but he can feel worse about it, in the same way as we look to girls who don´t sell their music but their body.
Ooh, I don´t know how to say what I mean
I have to learn more english...
The truth is that for example mucc aren´t atracttive for me at all but I love their music. And Gazette´s music is the same quality for me.