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(#23 (permalink))
girigiri (Offline)
JF Regular
Posts: 60
Join Date: Jun 2009
07-12-2009, 04:59 AM

Mysteryman has demonstrated no desire to learn.
The choice of pseudonym might be cause for suspicion, so I too checked the other posts.

No desire to learn demonstrated - agreed - but - No desire to connect??

The guy comes here asking for a translation for something moderately complex when he doesn't even speak the language.
Does he know enough to know that they are moderately complex? First face appearances, they don't seem so hard. It's only when I got down to actually trying to translate those phrases that I realised they aren't so simple.

Self-aggrandizement my bum.
On this occasion, with regard to the individual in question - even if my comment does not apply here, is it possible to really claim that it is invalid? To date, I have yet to encounter a site where someone (or more) knowledgeable won't be out to points score: even to the point of giving false information, or trying to make it seem that someone (or more) has posted misleading/incorrect information when in fact nothing of sort had been done.

When we see insincerity, it's like Yoda watching Luke run away to Bespin instead of remaining on Dagobah
Interesting analogy ... Do you really see yourselves as equivalent to Jedi masters?

EDIT: Even if in the final analysis it should prove that MysteryMan is only playing games, what impact do such responses as he received have on newcomers who do come to the site seeking assistance?

Last edited by girigiri : 07-12-2009 at 05:07 AM.