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(#16 (permalink))
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Hisuwashi (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 541
Join Date: Sep 2006
03-23-2007, 11:23 PM

OK THEN! Finally done. You cannot leave me out of this Koku-kun..

Username: Hisuwashi
Name: Kalthar
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Affiliation: The Twilight! Because most my friends are... lol
Physical Description: Shoulder length silver hair and incandescent dark blue eyes, pale complexion but a warm face. Although he usually bears a serious expression, his smiles can melt the hearts of even the most discerning women. He wears a black cape over a blue jacket with the Shinra emblem on it in red and white trousers, brown leather boots (like Link's on the Legend of Zelda), and a black belt with a silver buckle.
Personality: Calm and thoughtful, he tends to be an introverted person, but when he does have something to say, his words are usually wise and rational. He acts gravely, but secretly enjoys a good laugh. He can sometimes feel discouraged but often hides any signs of weakness from the others.
Bio: Being a school friend of Nakame, he also decides to investigate the keyblade war. His keyblade was given to him by a good friend, a fairy from the Pride Lands, as a gift to help him in his quest. However, fairy always refused to tell him how she had obtained the keyblade…

KB name: Myghal
KB element: Spirit
KB origin: Unknown.
KB description: Elaborate golden handle with a silver chain. The blade is made of diamond, because diamond can cut anything. Looks spirity.
KB strength: 19
KB speed: 9
KB reach: 8
KB skill: 14
KB abilities:
Divine Raising: Grants the ability to fly, avoiding earth attacks and increasing evasiveness.
Tsuraneki Shell: Increases Defense and Magic Defense by loads and loads, so you're virtually invincible
Hyper Hypnosis: Confuses all enemies so they attack themselves and each other.


~ Wind Song ~
~ Windlied ~
~ Chant du vent ~

Last edited by Hisuwashi : 03-25-2007 at 10:12 PM.
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