aishiteru bis
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Join Date: Jul 2007
Location: Wonderland
07-13-2009, 12:24 AM
Originally Posted by NanteNa
lself@ OHHH! I have seen that! *faints*
I even think I saw that performance.
If you like fanservice, you should totally search ''PICKLE SIX'' on youtube. XD It's a joke played on the NUMBER SIX movie with fake subtitles. It's HILARIOUS.
lol i LOVE Pickle Six
Shou in the begining was great...
"i...am in love with someone... i first saw him...when he called me a manslut"
and when he called the girl a fat, greasy pig XD
i always cry out with the music filled with memories of the four seasons....
we shared....
Shunsuke, forever in my heart <3
i own Seika, Tsukasa, Hiroki, Kenzo, Tooru, Ruka, Mofto, Ediee, Ryuto, Sou, Enik, Hiko, Death-O, Nii, Ryohei, Keita, Ryuichi half of Teruki and half of Kei
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