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(#40 (permalink))
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sarasi (Offline)
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Posts: 248
Join Date: Jun 2009
07-13-2009, 01:31 PM

Originally Posted by Tenchu View Post
I'll say this again:

I'm from Tasmania, not far from Antarctica.

How does this affect where I currently live?
I was talking about the apparent contradiction between this comment:

"But I usually turned it onto 15 (lowest temp), coz it reminded me of home."

and this, a few posts later: "I live in south Thailand with no air conditioner, only a fan. It isn't that bad. Harden up, people."

So you're saying that you used to use the aircon when you had one, but now you don't, you're quite happy without one. When you had one though, you did use it, and turned it way down, right? But you think other people should be tougher than that?

I know where Tasmania is by the way- I'm from Auckland.
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