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sarasi (Offline)
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Join Date: Jun 2009
07-13-2009, 01:38 PM

Originally Posted by Nyororin View Post
I have asked about 10 people over the last 2 days, and not a single one has ever even heard of fan death. My husband has only heard of it because there was apparently a special on TV making fun of the belief in Korea...

Where are you that there are people who have not only heard of it but believe in it? The worst around here is the belief that it will upset your stomach or dry your skin out...
I now live in Tokyo, Nyororin, and have also lived in Saitama and Kanagawa in the 11 years I have been in Japan. I used to be an eikaiwa teacher, and while it does little to improve your Japanese skills, one advantage of the job is that you speak to literally thousands of Japanese people over the years and really get to hear all kinds of opinions on all kinds of topics. I had a number of students tell me that they had heard that having a fan on at night may well be fatal. They didn't know if they truly believed it or not, but they weren't game to find out. Of course there are plenty of people (the ones with more common sense) who don't believe it at all. For every urban myth there are people who believe in them- otherwise they would never spread.
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