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KitsuneFr (Offline)
Mori kara kimashita...
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Join Date: May 2008
Location: Versailles, France (not Hellmouth, Sunnydale, lol!)
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07-13-2009, 04:49 PM

As french and living in Versailles, well, I had the regret to see some kinda things sometimes. As speaking english, a bit german and low average japanese (but enough to discuss with my japanese friends here), I always try to be nice when tourists needs help. But some of my compatriots are too often not so nice : last week I was walking near to the Palace with the kids, and I saw two chinese girls who were asking in english for the railroad station; nobody noticed them, not even look at them nor stop. So I went, asked which station (as we have 3 major stations in town, different lines) and I bring them to the station. So the thanked me and left (and the kids asked me after if I had spoken japanese to the girls lol! They had begun english lessons at school this year, but they could not recognize it!). I think it is polite, and once in Eindhoven, Holland, I had the same problem like the chinese girls and the person that I asked did the same, so this time i was my turn to be kind and helpful

Recently I went to London; I really enjoyed the city, and the people there. Smiling decent people and not hurrying, all the opposite of Paris and around.

Concerning our tourists, well, considering part of them are only speaking french or bad english, and the fact I found myself that we are generally arrogant, I understand that we've finished at worst top ranking

Sometimes I don't feel french anymore, I believe to think differently from them, but maybe I'm wrong. I don't travel much, but I expect to have been better than them

Nice day to you all!

Qu'est ce qui pourrait être plus beau que les fleurs de cerisier?
さくらのはなが だいすきですよ!
(Sakura no hana ga daisuki desu yo!)
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