I've been looking at a few of these and was wondering if anyone here has them or has a gallery/review of them. I'd really like to see the size of them while someone is holding them or something.
First of all is: Bleach - Byakuya Kuchiki Senbonzakura Sword
Second : Bleach Ichigo Bankai Red and Black Wooden Sword - Samurai Swords
and Third : Bleach Hitsagaya Wooden Sword - Samurai Swords
And if possible can someone give me a link to a better replica of either the Senbonzakura or Tensa Zangetsu (Bankai ver.) preferably wood or carbon steel.
Oh and I forgot an important thing, Is Carbon Steel sharp or does it just look like metal but is safe? 'cause I don't want to be cutting up my curtains swinging the sword!
Thank you very much! Any help is appreciated!