Originally Posted by Watakushi
I'm from sweden and when my friend, he's listening to heavy metal and stuff, found out that I was listening to j-rock he said that all japanese guys looked like girls and than he asked if i thought they were handsome -_-'' After that he started to make fun of asian people and their music. So I forced him to listen to a song by Gackt and he said he acually liked it. >_________<
That's the problem with people nowadays... They're always so closed minded about things, especially music, and in actuality, they turn out liking whatever it is they put down. I run into a lot of people who put down J-Rock because it's not like the music around here or what they consider 'normal'. A lot of my friend's are that way, too. I suggest a song or band to them and the first thing they say upon looking at or hearing the name is: "Are they Japanese...?"
Then, they just continue to put it down from there. They also go at the style, too. They say things like: "What are they a bunch of cross-dressers?" and things like that. Then, when they happen to hear something I'd be listening to on my ipod, computer, etc. they actually like it and ask me what I'm listening to like they have an interest!
Anyways, sorry for the little rant, or whatever. Lol.
I was just browsing and thought I should post something about this.