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(#160 (permalink))
AniMangaCat (Offline)
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Join Date: Jan 2009
07-14-2009, 07:35 PM

Originally Posted by Aniki View Post
The definition of Decora - wear tacky pink clothes, put on tons of plastic toys on your face and other colourful rubbish, and try to abuse as much colors as you can. Sorry, but I don't consider it fashion, when girls look like bums who live in trash containers that are regularly filled all kinds of crap that toy shops and baby stores throw out.
ehh i kno this is fer gyaru but decora isnt all lyk that!
i rather lyk decora but living with a mom with a good fashion sense (albeit 'normal') i dont lyk that overboard styles that look lyk halfhearted kandi kids
a few stereotypes you just said:
1. not all decorers wear pink, theres a subset called DARK DECORA which in a way is similar to punk except with a lot more accersories
2. a lot of decorers dont wear make-up. there's a website: Decora World - Home
that has lots of pics of decorers outside of harajuku
3. they dont dress in rainbows. hav you ever seen a decorer wear rainbow socks? they do hav color schemes
4. wtf? most decorers dont carry around more than one or two plushies and that's SOME i dress decora and i dont..
ok end of rant i dont lyk gyaru but i tolerate it cuz i dress in alternative fashions too and gyaru is alternative. gotta try to be impartial
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