Originally Posted by darksyndrem
I'm sorry, but that was the dumbest example you could've thought up.....Do you know anything about 50 cent and Eminem?
MMM, that is an example, however, of degrading a person's argument and thus degrading the person making the argument.
Yes, darksyndrem, I do know about 50 Cent and Eminem. I know that, when he was a child, he was a victim of poverty and was forced to deal drugs. Here's an example of how he uses the "thug" image, though. In one of his most popular songs, he says that he was shot and that he spit the bullet right back out.
No, he didn't. Not at all. He was hospitalized. He would like people to think that he is "thuggish" for spitting the bullet right back out, though. As an artist, he pulls from his past life and displays an image.
It's just an image because he isn't a thug. He has an honest career making music and entertaining people. Unless he's doing something on the side that no one knows about, 50 Cent is a musician. Not a criminal. I mean, unless you think that if a child commits a crime, they'll be a criminal for the rest of their life...
As far as I know, Eminem's never committed a crime that would warrant him the label "thug". Please correct me if I'm wrong.