Originally Posted by Salvanas
I'd just like to jump in here, and explain why this is different than an isolated insult. This insult, in turn, would pull attention to this child and his weight, and the chances that from that point he would be bullied for his weight is a high chance.
This is different from having an argument between two people, and throwing an insult.
I'll read it when I have the time and patience.
That I'm saying is that she was throwing an insult during an argument. I think that, because of that, a thrown insult can be a form of bullying.
This is a forum, open to the entire Internet. Therefore, if someone were to say, "You're an idiot," then it's open for thousands of people to read. If I felt hurt by that statement, then it's possible that I could feel humiliated because of the chance that so many people could read what was said to me. To me, it's the same thing.