Originally Posted by 82riceballs
Hi! I'm going to attempt to ask my question in Japanese... If there's anything that sounds incorrect, please fix it for me!
最近、「こんばちわ」っていう言葉をよく目にします。 それって「こんばんは」と「こんにちは」の略語ですか 。意味は同じですか。
And since I probably made a mistake in my question: "Recently, I've been seeing the phrase "konbachiwa".. is this some abbreviation of konbanwa and konnichiwa? Does it mean the same thing?"
Thanks in advance! 
I just did a Google search. I've never seent his before, but I'd say yeah, you're right. I found some other mentions of おはこんばちは and おはこんばんちは and the
absolutely atrocious こんばちわ.
It is highly unlikely that it is anything other than a portmanteau of こんにちは and こんばんは (and also おはよう).