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Pike (Offline)
Asian Female? Where?
Posts: 46
Join Date: Jun 2009
07-15-2009, 02:03 AM

Originally Posted by thcuteness View Post
I was curious how many people or what your opinion on online dating, i normally dont online date although my last three bf have been guys i meet online. I was just curious to know what your opinion is about it? Like how often do you think online relationships work out. Have you ever dated online. And your general opinion about. For me im for it.
Meeting online and just dating online is 2 different things. Meeting online you can kinda get a feel for someone. Only big problem is it is easier to lie about yourself online. Since the other person really can not see them. I do not mind meeting people online but if there is no way to meet in person there is no way I could date someone I can not see IRL.

The Ecstasy of Emptiness
The Purity of Suffering
The Divinity of Loneliness