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(#26 (permalink))
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Skuu (Offline)
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07-15-2009, 09:17 AM

I had a lot of online-only gfs when I was way younger. I had generally negative experiences with them in terms of heart-breaks.

While it's probably true that online-only or mainly online relationships could and do work out when the two people are mature and patient, I'd say it's always gonna be trickier than IRL/face to face relationships.

When your emotions and stability is on the line, I don't think it's really a risk worth taking. Just use the internet to find people, but don't tie your heart up on a string for months/years waiting to meet them unless you're just friends.

Again, not to deny people who've had success, just to point out the relative dangers from my POV. Relationships are very intimate and detailed, and having any kind of separation can create difficulties.