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again sorta not - 07-15-2009, 03:38 PM

This is from 2005' from Andy Borowitz a comedian who writes humor blog and is not factual people.

Man Commits Suicide after Learning Harry Potter Spoiler
'I No Longer Have a Reason to Live,' Says Despondent Potter Fan

A rabid Harry Potter fan took his life yesterday after inadvertently learning a plot spoiler from the soon-to-be-released J.K. Rowling opus, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (Book 6)

Jude Ralston, 32, of Hudson, Ohio left a suicide note indicating that since overhearing the plot spoiler at a shopping mall earlier in the day, "I no longer have a reason to live."

pls google Andy Borowitz daily humor column known as 'The Borowitz Report'
in which satarizes various political and entertainment figures -above is July 7 2005 excerpt.
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