Thread: Bullying
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mercedesjin (Offline)
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07-15-2009, 07:35 PM

Originally Posted by Tsuwabuki View Post
I don't see how. There are plenty of categories of inappropriate behavior, and not all fall under "bullying." Bullying requires a certain methodology in practice. If there were misperceptions where the girl felt she was being mistreated, and was attempting to even the score, this is not bullying as I understood when taking adolescent psychology or as I understand it as a secondary education instructor. Choosing to engage an equal over a perceived slight, even multiple times, is not bullying. Bullying requires the target be convienent and expected to respond a certain way: usually impotently. This makes the bully feel superior and the bully will likely either continue to go after a target as long as the target responds "appropriately" or go after many different targets until the strategy fails to illicit the desired response. It does not sound to me that the student in your example did this. Payback is too specific, too planned, and too directed towards one person regardless of response for it to fall under bullying. It is still inappropriate behavior and should be punished.
Okay, I understand what you're saying.

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