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Columbine (Offline)
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07-15-2009, 09:46 PM

Originally Posted by BloodStone003 View Post

I'll be visiting Japan for the first time in Sept. for 3 weeks by myself and I need some opinions on places to visit/stay as I'm making my itinerary for the trip. I know I have to visit the major cities such as Tokyo, Osaka, and Kyoto, but what other cities should I visit since I have 3 weeks to fit everything in?

I'm not into sighting that much, but more into doing things that are fun/adventurous so any suggestions in that direction would be helpful. One of the things I wanted to do is climb Mt. Fuji, has anyone done this? Any info. regarding this would be great, including booking in advance, cost, etc.

I was also wondering since I'll traveling all over Japan, should I book a hotel/hostel in advance before arriving in the city or will I be able to book one that day/night?

I don't want to ramble on so... Any and all opinion/suggestions/info. are welcome. Thanks in advance!
As a rule of thumb of travel always try and book your hostel/hotel at least two days in advance, unless you really can't help it. The worst scenario is finding only one hostel in the area, arriving on the night and finding it full with no idea where to go next. I mean, the place might help you out, but that's not something you should just rely on. At least if you book (and it's very easy online, try hostelbookers or hostelworld) you can travel without worry and really scout where you want to stay too. 'K's House' in Kyoto is a reasonable place to stay; it's right by kyoto station and Shichijo on the keihan (handy for Osaka) and you can day trip from there to hiroshima, Nara, Osaka, although if you're not interested in sight seeing, Hiroshima is probably not worth the effort.

Official Tourism Guide for Japan Travel this site has an 'adventure' section which you might be interested in. There's plenty of available information about Mt Fuji online so just google for it.

If you want something really random, there's a mountain hiking trail at Kisaichi (take the keihan line osaka-bound from Shichijo, Kyoto and change at Hirakata) that rambles up and terminates at (oddly) a row-boating lake cum farm. It's non-touristy, scenic and a lot of fun with random climbing walls and towers along the way, plus easy to get back to the city for dinner when you're done.
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