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07-15-2009, 11:34 PM

Originally Posted by mercedesjin View Post
It varies from couple to couple, but sex isn't necessary for a relationship to thrive. From your post, you suggested that online dating can never work because they can't have physical sex. (EDIT: Your exact words: "Relationships without sex are pointless.") Now, I'm not one for online dating - but take it into the sphere of real life, and I know for a fact that sex isn't necessary for two people to have a relationship. I've known couples who go for years without sex. Sex isn't love. Sex isn't what keeps a relationship together. Emotions are. To me, being open emotionally if real vulnerability and true intimacy.

Like I said, it varies from couple to couple. I'm sure there are couples who only have sex and who don't even talk, yet they have a working relationship just because both people are only looking for that physical satisfaction. I'm just saying that there's another side to working relationships.

Salvanas: I don't know what you're talking about. Sorry.
What kind of attraction do you get from online dating? You get entertained with her yes, but that's it.

It looks like a best friend to me. That is why when they say, 'I want us to be more than best friends', AKA a gf... they want to get more physical towards the partner.

If there is no love, there is no sex. If there is no sex and there is love... you'd have to provide a great explanation as to why you're not enjoying this great pleasure with the person you love most.

Since when is it immature to talk about pudding? Seriously, do you know the meaning of mature?