Originally Posted by iPhantom
What kind of attraction do you get from online dating? You get entertained with her yes, but that's it.
It looks like a best friend to me. That is why when they say, 'I want us to be more than best friends', AKA a gf... they want to get more physical towards the partner.
If there is no love, there is no sex. If there is no sex and there is love... you'd have to provide a great explanation as to why you're not enjoying this great pleasure with the person you love most.
What about people who have sexual disorders, such as erectile dysfunction? What about people who suffer psychological disorders, and don't want to have sex for that reason? What about asexuals? What about the men and women who once had sex with their partners, but now - after decades of marriage - live happily in sexless marriages? Are their relationships pointless also?
I don't know what kind of attraction people get from online dating. I'm not comfortable with online dating. I'm talking about relationships in real life.
It's a little shallow to say that two people who are deeply in love but don't have sex are only best friends. "I want us to be more than friends," is usually a line left for children in high school and Hollywood movies. Most people these days understand that, to be someone's lover, you should also be their friend. A "friend" is a title, a role, that is included under the role of "lover." If you want to talk about cliched lines, have you ever heard someone say, "He/She's my lover, but they're also my best friend"?
I'm not sure what you mean by "if there's no love, there's no sex." People have sex without being in love all of the time. As for the idea of not enjoying "this great pleasure" when the one you love, it's not a great pleasure to everyone. To some, sex isn't the best thing that they can offer to their partner. Emotional stability, sincere love, having a family (and not always through reproduction) - those are things some people find more important and more valuable - "the greatest pleasure."