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mercedesjin (Offline)
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07-16-2009, 01:12 AM

Originally Posted by Salvanas View Post

And for your information, I've been in many sexless relationships. They never work out because of both sides becoming frustrated with the prospect of feeling arousal for each other.

I can assure you, I have probably more experience than you have.

Also: Reasons for Divorce | Top Ten Reasons for Divorce, Causes of Divorce

That's merely a statement - a fact. I wasn't judging you. If you felt that I was judging you, I'm sorry for that. I also never said that you haven't been in a sexless relationship. I said you've never been in a HEALTHY sexless relationship. If it was healthy, then I have to say, I don't think you would've split up with your partner.

I'd like to suggest to you that you don't assume anything about my sexual life. I'm a very private person, and not willing to discuss my sexual history with you or anyone else on this forum. However, I can assure you, I've been in and have experience with many different types of relationships.

To me, the link you've provided only further supports the idea that sex is not necessary for a healthy relationship. There are nine other reasons for people who have been divorced - reasons that, as I've said before, are what I personally find more important than sex. "Not having sex" doesn't even have its own ranking, for crying out loud. It has to be paired up with "lack of commitment" and "infidelity."

For the people who have divorced because of a lack of sex - well, to them sex was important. I never denied that sex isn't important to some people. What I have said is that sex isn't necessary for everyone. The lacking of other elements (trust, communication, etc.) are also given as reasons for why relationships don't work. For some couples, that is more important than sex - and is the reason why the two aren't together anymore.

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