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(#245 (permalink))
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jdragon (Offline)
|Korean Musik Specialist|
Posts: 378
Join Date: Oct 2007
Location: [TH3 M!DW3$T3RN U$]
07-16-2009, 08:36 PM

for some reason the KRY parts were a lot more noticeable on the Sorry Sorry album...
not that it wasn't good! Those three are, of course, their best vocalists!
its just a lot of KRY...almost like they were takin over Super Junior & makin their album a mostly KRY album..oh well~

someone on YT said they should replace Kibummie with Henry...
& while I'm not all for the Only 13 campaign that went on,
I'm not up for gettin rid of Kibum! It's not his fault he's a good actor.

The Following Are Spoken For::
Xiah Junsu{DBSK/TVXQ},G-Dragon & Seungri{BIG BANG},
Jaebum, Nichkhun, Junsu, Taecyeon, & Wooyoung{2PM}
Seungho, MiR & Joon{MBLAQ}

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