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(#106 (permalink))
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Barone1551 (Offline)
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07-16-2009, 10:26 PM

Originally Posted by solemnclockwork View Post

On an different note free speech in America has limits. You cannot say fire in an crowed building without legal trouble. You also cannot speak libel and slander without the chance for legal trouble. Point to this? Your freedom of speech ends where mine beings, and mine ends where someone else begins.

Defamation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Just wanted to point out some small details. You mentioned before about teachers and bosses. Try using wikipedia with your teachers and bosses and see how far that gets you. Normally this isn't my style, nitpicking about peoples posts. I find it tacky to nitpick, But since you jumped on my back about being using credible sources, ill give you a small taste. sorry.

And the shouting fire thing you used is kind of miss quoted. It does not matter how crowded a place is.

this is all

The King wore a crown. Now he is the king of kings.

Last edited by Barone1551 : 07-16-2009 at 10:44 PM.
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