Originally Posted by KyleGoetz
Your friend doesn't know Japanese then. You should tease him about trying to show off his mad skillz and messing up. That's what I wish I could go back in time and do to myself when I was a showoff about my terrible Japanese back in junior high (I was so bad I'd actually forgotten I'd started teaching myself back then until a friend reminded me a couple days ago).
The first one looks like "I fall over some number of times and stand up but ..." Except I think he conjugated 転ぶ (korobu, to fall over or tumble) incorrectly.
The second "[No idea] that [someone] overthrew." It's definitely not a sentence, though. There is no predicate.
I totally agree with you I tried to make sense out of them myself but couldn't.I'm just beginning to learn Japanese myself,came up with a similar translation for the first one oh well will definatly tease him about it.Thanks for the help anyway