Thread: Bullying
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YukisUke (Offline)
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07-20-2009, 02:52 AM

Originally Posted by Aether View Post
I've seen a lot of debate about what it is to bully in this thread, so to preface my post, I would like to quickly define what I see bullying as. I would broadly define bullying as verbally and/or physically abusing an other or others repeatedly to exhibit dominance with the stipulation that the context should be kept in mind. For example, I would not consider two friends who have a habit of playfully punching each other on the shoulder bullies (in ordinary circumstances), but I would consider a person who frequently calls others names and fights people who they know will not fight back a bully.

With that definition established, I can thankfully say that I have not experienced being a bully or being bullied. However, I do recognize the seriousness of the matter. I realize that being bullied can push a person beyond their limits and cause them to retaliate back or even commit suicide. As such, I've have made a vow with myself that if I see someone being bullied, I will do what I can to assist that person.

Regrettably, I do not know any strong methods to stop bullying itself if I were to encounter it. If there are some ideas of how to stop another or oneself from being bullied, I would be glad to hear it. (Besides ignore it, I see that as one of the worst possible ideas.)
Being a victim of bullying myself, I can give you this bit of info of how I felt: angry, hurt, depressed and weak. I gave them the power in a way. But it wasn't fully my fault. When you go to an elementary school where the teachers and staff don't really give a damn about what the kids do to each other, you're kind of on your own. . Long story short, I felt like shit and I have depression because of it and sometimes when I think about what I could've done to stop it, I get very upset and go into these crying spells. It's not just the emotion taking over, it's also the past too.
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