Thread: Bullying
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Bugg333 (Offline)
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07-20-2009, 07:37 AM

I encountered a massive amount of bullying in middle school. I overcame it in a somewhat unhealthy way. I employed every "lone wolf" attribute to daily life. I developed a "watch your back 24/7" mentality, avoided becoming too attached with anybody under any means necessary. I also chose to hang out alone.. always. Even when some mutual friends of mine hung out where i did eventually, i hung out elsewhere because lunch time was my time to be away from the masses. I also studied buddhism extensively and meditated once a day for a time. I chose not to enjoy anything mainstream either. All i listened to was traditional music from china and japan, along with underground hip hop and the like. Back then, I chose not to even look at the myspace website until the end of 8th grade, when it wasn't as necessary anymore.
It seemed very good and awesome for me at the time. once i got all that going, i seemed to have been oblivious to the bullying. I became immune. No one messed with me and when they did, it did nothing. When i was friendly and vulnerable, i was a running deer- waiting to be eaten. But after i employed the "lone wolf" tactics, I became a tree. A predator will not result in eating a tree unless it is starving, and believe me- the kids at school had plenty of kids to bother. All of MY friends in fact. But i chose not to involve myself. All attempts to pants me in PE failed because i was constantly watching my surroundings, etc. You get the picture.
But as i came into high school, i was ridiculed by some teachers for these traits, and the kids were nicer, so watching my back went to waste. I was able to maintain my happiness without meditation, and there was no use for avoiding people anymore, so here i am, nearing the end of high school and i'm not looking back. I scrounged my way out of my days of being bullied. Unfortunately, i don't know how your supposed to go about dealing with it because it isn't an issue for me anymore... >.> I certainly learned alot from it all though.
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