07-20-2009, 06:06 PM
Heh, as to NY..I suspect how quickly you were mugged would depend on what steet your were on, at what time of day. Being from Iowa myself, I suspect I have a better chance of being hit by lighting than a mugger.
Thanks for verifying my theory on anime, I realize it's not a perfect model, but based on the anime I have been watching. I have always strongly suspected that it was utilized as a picture into the Japanese soul, true it's distorted a bit, but it suggests that while Japan is culturaly reserved on the outside they are pretty much as emotional on the inside as the rest of us.
I suppose the reserved nature of Japan prolly has something to do with such a large population so densely packed together, it's a survival method of getting along under such conditions. Most Americans on the other hand, are loud and as far from reserved as you could get. Again, this would be based on how the US was formed. Although haveing the "American Spirit" is possible for anyone, as is haveing the "Japanese Spirit" I would suppose.
Though that's prolly an issue for a different discussion.