Thread: Malice Mizer
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(#164 (permalink))
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Natchan (Offline)
Director Hellsing
Posts: 42
Join Date: Dec 2006
Location: I live in St.George Utah in the USA
07-20-2009, 09:29 PM

I really REALLY adore Malice Mizer, in all its forms! As much as I liked the Gackt Era however, the short lived Klaha era was my Favorite.

This is because I LOVE Klaha though.

My favorite Malice Mizer song is Beast of Blood! So cool

I'm currently on the hunt for their movie "Bridal of Rose", so if anyone finds it online, please let me know!

I really miss Kami, and thought that he was one Hell of a drummer no!?

Right, so Malice MIzer Rocks (thats right, ROCKS STILL, not rocked)!

Jrock...I'm lovin it!
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