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(#433 (permalink))
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Zagato289 (Offline)
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Location: Mexico
Unhappy 07-21-2009, 01:23 AM

Sometimes i dont, sometimes i do like been single. Been single lets me consentrate in school and friends without having to worry about any dating problems, but there are times i do feel very lonely. some ppl tell me why would i feel lonely if i have a great family and friends, but thats not the same type of lonelyness i have. its a lonelyness of not having a partner and sharing my love to her. I have never dated someone before or really have a true date, and im 20 years old. Yes i do feel embarress and probably many ppl might think ima failure. I might have had some apportunities to have dated someone, but didnt go for it cause im always afraid she might say no and i might look stupid. When a girl turns and looks at me, i always turn and look another away cause im a shy person, but i know she doesnt know that and she might think im not interested. I had many apportunities but wasted them. Im trying to improve but its hard.

It's so easy, To think about Love, To Talk about Love, To wish for Love, But it's not always easy, To recognize Love, Even when we hold it.... In our hands."

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